Education Program

Unique in our dedication to the ongoing development of employees, we provide practical and professional in-house education courses that combine cutting edge theory with real world market applications. We have an established, industry-leading team dedicated to the development and delivery of applied financial education. Our classes include:

Phase I - Basic Knowledge and Software 

The first period of training lasts for a period up to two weeks. This stage is very intensive, and topics can vary from trainee to trainee. Trainees with prior knowledge of the trading market will benefit from this phase as they learn what information available to the public actually matters and how to filter out what does not. Intensive software instruction is necessary and beneficial so a new trader can concentrate solely on trading once they enter Phase II and go live in the market. When the trainee has mastered the execution software and passes a short examination on their basic understanding of the trading market, they are allowed to move on to Phase II - Live Trading and Strategy Instruction. 

Phase II - Live Trading and Strategy Instruction

The new trader will be assigned and seated next to one of Evermore Global Singapore Pte Ltd.'s most successful traders, who will be their trainer. After one or two days of observation, the new trader will be given control of a small amount of capital to trade. During and after the day, the trainer will offer critiques, advice, and encouragement when needed. The new traders will be expected to critique themselves to learn from their mistakes. No one expects a new trader to be profitable immediately; however, Evermore Global Singapore Pte Ltd.'s training culture is that being an active participant in the market shortens the learning curve. Informal seminars, led by Evermore Global top traders, are held twice weekly after the market closes. Daily discussions occur with trainees and traders at all skill levels; deliberations with those in the same situation and those who have been through the situation before are one of the most useful tools in the entire training process. These seminars and discussions serve to introduce the new traders to the experienced traders, which fosters the atmosphere of cooperation that makes Evermore Global unique. Phase II lasts for a period of about six months, at which point the new trader should no longer need constant daily supervision. In most cases, the new trader will have learned the skills he or she needs to be consistently profitable while continuing to learn and evolve as a trader.

Phase III - Evolution of the Trader 

Phase III lasts as long as the new trader's career at Evermore Global Singapore Pte Ltd. lasts. Evermore Global atmosphere and spirit of cooperation amongst its traders facilitates communication and the sharing of ideas. The most successful traders, over time, are ones who take advantage of this environment. Markets constantly change; those traders who evolve and adapt with the market have proven to be the most profitable and consistent. This is the essence of Phase III. Continuously staying ahead of the market leads to consistent success; those traders who take advantage of Evermore Global Singapore Pte Ltd.'s environment after the completion of the formal training period always remain at the top.